Social Philanthropy

With the value of "Devotion to Altruism", CIFI has long been active in carrying out charity activities, developing the four major charity fields of school donation, environment protection, disaster relief support, and rural revival. In 2020, it established the "CIFI Charity Foundation", further clarifying its charity strategy. Aside from the donation of funds and supplies, CIFI people emphasize that personal endeavors are required in charity work, and that they must participate in charitable activities themselves to practically help those in need, thereby making our lives better, our cities more vigorous, and our society more harmonious. 

I. Providing Financial Support for Education

Education is one of the core fields among CIFI's charity work. The Group fully understands that contributing to education is the extension and inheritance of corporate social responsibility. In this sense, CIFI constantly supports the growth and development of younger generations, and remains dedicated to education charity in order to foster outstanding talents for the country. 

Establishing the RMB 100 million "CIFI Education Development Fund" upon the 100th anniversary of Xiamen University

Upon the 100th anniversary of Xiamen University in 2021, the CIFI Group donated RMB 100 million to establish the "CIFI Education Development Fund" which supports the education work of Xiamen University and contributes to its development.

Half of the CIFI Education Development Fund will be used to support Xiamen University in developing relevant subjects and building teachers' capacity, while the other half will be used to comprehensively support the development of the education work of Xiamen University and promote its various construction projects.

Donating two stadiums to Jian'ou First High School

At the beginning of April 2019, Mr. Lin Zhong learned that there were difficulties in the construction of gymnasium and swimming pool on the new campus of Jian’ou No. 1 Middle School in terms of construction funds. He immediately suggested that the Group and himself would sponsor the construction of the gymnasium and swimming pool, so that children could have a chance to enjoy better teaching facilities. This time, the CIFI team, under the leadership of Mr. Lin Zhong, our Chairman investigated and designed the gymnasium and swimming pool for the new campus of Jian’ou No. 1 Middle School. The roofs of the two venues are designed as two overlapping leaves leaning against each other closely, covering the campus, as if they have endless words to their alma mater. In September 2020, the gymnasium and swimming pool were officially put into use along with the new campus of Jian'ou First High School, becoming open activity facilities for all teachers and students. The two stadiums will also be available to the public outside of school hours, serving as convenient sports stadiums for the citizens of Jian'ou.

Setting up the CIFI fellowship at the People's Public Security University of China

On August 4, 2020, the CIFI Group held a donation contract signing ceremony for the establishment of the CIFI Fellowship for the People's Public Security University of China. The Group plans to donate RMB 10 million to the university in instalments of RMB 1 million per year in order to assist the cultivation of backup police officers. According to the plan, this fellowship will provide educational support to around 3,000 students who excel in both virtue and academic performance, encounter domestic financial difficulties and experience family misfortune. The Group aims to promote the university’s talent cultivation work through continuous donation.

Nanping CIFI No. 3 Experimental School

CIFI, Fujian Nanping Education Bureau and Nanping Nurturing Talents Educational Fund entered into a donation framework agreement in April 2021, under which the CIFI Foundation will donate RMB 50 million through dedicated fund to the construction of Nanping CIFI No. 3 Experimental School.

At the same time, CIFI has undertaken the design of the school. After the construction, the school will provide an additional 2,100 school places for students in Nanping.

Renovation to campus buildings for Communication University of China (CUC)

Beginning in 2016, CIFI initiated various projects to renovate CUC teaching blocks, office complex, dormitories, and communal square; along with the charitable undertaking of building the CUC Heritage Museum, in order to support higher education.

Building the Xiang Lin Library of East China Normal University (ECNU)

A charitable project to remodel the ECNU Xiang Lin Library formally started in 2019. This building was previously used as archive storehouse for the curriculum department. Through this remodelling and renovation project, the building is transformed into a high-quality shared cultural space for students and staff and won the UK Blueprint Awards in 2019.

Establishment of Jianou Education and Health Service Promotional Fund

In an effort to support education and health service development in the city of Jianou, in Apr 2021, CIFI donated RMB 13million to establish an Education and Health Service Promotional Fund of Jianou. CIFI also previously donated a cumulative total of some 70 million Yuan to the city of Jianou for such public charity undertakings as education prize, scholarship, student subsidy and grant, plus construction of campus buildings and facilities and so forth. CIFI consistently contributed for the benefit of the community by practical actions and actively fulfilled its social responsibilities.

II. Planting Forests to Protect the Environment

CIFI people fully understand that protecting the ecological environment is a cause that will benefit both the present and future. In 2020, the Group joined hands with the China Environmental Protection Foundation to set up the "CIFI Public Welfare Forest Special Fund" and launch the "CIFI Public Welfare Forest Project" to plant trees in Yangguan Town of Dunhuang City. Phase I involves planting over 3,000 mu (a Chinese unit of area, around 2 million m2) of ecological protection forest to help the prevention and control of desertification and build a green ecology in western China.

With this forest project, the energy-saving and emission-reduction actions of CIFI’s staff in their daily life, Gobi Trekking in Dunhuang, and “CIFI City Charity Walk” activity series, CIFI calls for more people with caring hearts to participate in environmental protection activities, do their best to actively conserve energy, contribute to the protection of the environment within their capacity, and plant an oasis in the Gobi Desert.

CIFI Urban Charity Walk: Measuring city dreams with our footsteps

From 2018 to 2023, CIFI Urban Charity Walk event has successively launched in the 15 cities nationwide with a total of more than 60,000 participants. This charity walking activity was combined with the "CIFI Forest" charity action to carry out "Double Rewards". The registration fees for the city walk were collected in the account of the China Environmental Protection Foundation through the Tencent Charity "CIFI Forest" project page, every person who successfully signed up would have three sacsaoul trees planted in the CIFI Public Welfare Forest under their name, and an additional tree would be planted for everyone who successfully completed the competition.

Gobi Trekking Challenge: Every step counts

From October 1st to 4th, 2021, 355 CIFI warriors participated in the 137-kilometer Gobi Trekking Challenge. The results of each day's trek were converted into a number of Populus euphratica trees, witnessing the warriors' breakthroughs in each step of their own growth in the Gobi. On October 5th, the trekking warriors planted rows of Populus euphratica seedlings in Yangguan.

CIFI's green office actions to reduce emissions and increase greenery

In August 2020, the CIFI Group's Dingding system fully launched the "CIFI Forest" green office charity project to encourage CIFI people to pursue green transportation, reduce food waste, use more natural light sources to reduce power consumption, and use more tele-presence and video conferencing technologies to reduce carbon emissions. The system records the "Green CIFI Energy" of each CIFI employee as it is logged. After each stage of energy accumulation is reached, CIFI will donate money to plant a real tree at the CIFI Public Welfare Forest Project in Dunhuang, which will be maintained by the China Environmental Protection Foundation.

III. Targeted Poverty Alleviation with Caring Hearts

CIFI has carried out the "Benevolent Heart of a Walnut” Poverty Alleviation Project since 2016, purchasing the walnuts picked by the children living in Meigu County of Daliangshan, Sichuan Province, and encouraging them to realize their dignity and life value through their own hard work. Over the past 6 years, the Group has bought more than 30,000 kg of walnuts in total, with an aggregate investment of around RMB 3 million. The number of poverty-stricken households and children in Daliangshan benefiting from the project has reached around 10,000. In the future, CIFI will continue to explore and leverage its own advantages and combine it with rural development, in order to support comprehensive rural revitalization and prosperity.

"Benevolent Heart of a Walnut" Poverty Alleviation Project

In 2016, when the CIFI public welfare team visited Daliangshan, they saw children in Meigu County picking walnuts, removing the shells and taking out their kernels before selling them in the market to raise money for their families' cost of living and their own tuition. Students affected by their language environment found it difficult to express themselves in Mandarin to different extents, and many of them could not express themselves freely in Mandarin, making their hopes of leaving the mountain even slimmer. In order to address these problems for the children and make walnuts the paving stones to their dreams, the "Benevolent Heart of a Walnut" Project came into being, marking a change of course from a previous project intended to teach the children how to fish.

Light up Yong'an Village Greening Project

In 2021, the Group made a donation to Yong'an Village in Yunnan Province through CIFI Foundation for the Light up Yong'an Village Greening Project, helping to drive the revival of the Yong'an Village.

Yong'an Village is located in Nuodeng Town, Yunlong County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Due to the complex terrain in the mountainous area, street lights was not installed in most of the main roads in the village, making it extremely inconvenient for the villagers to travel at night and posing safety hazard.

To address the practical needs of the villagers, the CIFI Foundation donated to purchase and install 30 sets of 6-metre high solar street lights, 700 sets of small wall-mounted solar street lights and solar light strips for 5 bridges in Yong'an Village. As at the end of January 2022, all the street lights and light strips for bridges had been installed in Yong'an Village.

IV. Providing Support for Disaster Relief

For many years, adhering to the social responsibility value of "Thinking about the source of the water we drink, and giving back to society" and based on a deep understanding of the saying, "Everyone is responsible for the rise or fall of the country", CIFI has consistently stepped forward to provide support whenever society was in need. After the earthquakes in Ya'an and Ludian, CIFI carried supplies to the front-line as soon as possible to support disaster relief efforts. Likewise, after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, CIFI donated RMB 20 million as soon as possible to set up a special anti-pandemic control foundation, and many of CIFI's personnel provided support themselves by making efforts to purchase supplies and send them to medical staff at the front-line.

Ever Sunshine Services remained at the frontline during the pandemic by actively carrying out procurement of anti-pandemic goods and materials while also performing emergency services. During the 2020 Wuhan lockdown, not one single personnel in the projects managed byEver Sunshine Services was infected. Furthermore, the Group's other corporate subsidiaries introduced partial rental rebate policies as well as offering full rental and tuition refunds and other supports for medical personnel as part of the joint effort with the whole community to weather the hard times.


Donation of RMB 10 million to aid the combat against the flood in Henan

In July 2021, a number of cities in Henan Province suffered from severe flooding, causing significant damage. CIFI donated RMB10 million through the CIFI Foundation in July 2021 to assist in flood relief in Henan Province and actively participated in the post-flood reconstruction work.

Combating The Epidemic

When the epidemic broke out, the Group took immediate actions, on 26 January 2020, it announced the establishment of a special fund to combat the pneumonia in Wuhan, with a supporting fund of RMB20 million to purchase medical supplies and subsidize medical staff in Wuhan. Facing the shortage of frontline supplies, the Group gathered employees at all levels to seek and coordinate protective clothing, masks, goggles and other medical supplies throughout the country day and night, and delivered them in a timely manner, contributing to the success in epidemic prevention and control by providing prompt support to the frontline. As of today, the Group donated 157 sets of medical equipment, 34,000 pieces of medical isolation clothing, 2.24 million pairs of medical gloves, 13,700 pairs of goggles, 2720 pieces of face masks, 8900 pieces of N95 masks, 150 pieces of protective clothing, and 6,000 pieces of supplies to Shelter Hospital.

Donation to assisting Shanghai anti-pandemic effort

When an outbreak occurred in Shanghai in early 2022, CIFI acted in the first instance to donate a cumulative total of over 500,000 items of anti-pandemic goods and daily essentials to Shanghai higher education institutions, frontline medical facilities, external relieve medical teams to Shanghai and others. The company additionally donated public charity funds of some 700,000 Yuan to purchase frontline anti-pandemic goods and materials and daily essentials for lockdown community residents.

In order to support the need for daily essentials by certain elderly community residents and disadvantaged groups during the Shanghai lockdown, CIFI Foundation donated a total of 1,200 parcels of daily essentials to Shanghai community nursing facilities, underprivileged elderly residents, and disadvantaged community groups as a gesture of CIFI humility and modesty to stand with the community and get through the hard times together.



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